Rychvaldská square gradually filled over 140 polished veterans. For example, Tatra 17 from the year 1927th. There were also car racing. For example, this small handsome Englishman from 1955 Zdenek Bastl now boasts two historic gems. Motorcycles brand Pegueot P100 from 1930 and Nimbus 750 1937 This single-cylinder four-stroke engine is brand NSU in 1938. Classic English four-strokes represented the issued and maintained by BSA. There were also veterans from Poland. The Citroen 4 AC 1600 is from 1930 and comes from France. In addition to demonstrations in the square veterans also they went on a graceful ride around Rychvald. Column historic motorcycles and vehicles with great interest of onlookers began to move exactly half past ten. Sightseeing tour then ended where it started and, therefore, to Rychvaldská Square.
Another attraction for visitors was the competition for the oldest veteran, the oldest car or motorbike, or the most elegant car. The good mood all the time playing band called Klasik and create the atmosphere of bygone times. Veterans meeting attracted not only local, but also people from a wide area. The event was a success, the weather was better and already now all looking forward to the next, already the 8 th
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